A continuing series about each author in Untethered Realms, a neat spec-fic publishing group. Check us out: Facebook | Twitter | Website
I've read all but the latest 13th Floor books and they are some of my favourite books of 2013. Though The Ghost is coming out soon, I recommend you read them from the beginning. They're fast reads.
Christine Rains
Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She's married to her best friend and fellow geek living in south-central Indiana. They have one son who is too smart for his parents' own good and loves to dance to Gangnam Style. Christine has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood, but make her a great Jeopardy player. When she's not reading or writing, she's going on adventures with her son or watching cheesy movies on Syfy Channel. She's a member of Untethered Realms and S.C.I.F.I. (South Central Indiana Fiction Interface). She has several short stories and seven novellas published.
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Tell us about your latest book?
This is the final book in the 13th Floor series, THE GHOST. Chiharo Black lives with six supernatural tenants in a haunted building's mysterious thirteenth floor. Of course, no one knows she's there except the cats. Being a ghost can be a bit frustrating and lonely until another ghost intrudes on her territory. It's an explosive ending to the series that ties everything together. It'll be released on July 13th.

What genre(s) do you write/want to write in?
My novels and novellas are paranormal romance. Though I'd like to do more science-fiction. My short stories cover many dark fiction genres.
What do you like most about being an author?
I love creating. Bringing characters to life, birthing worlds, weaving mysteries.
What do you hate about being an author?
Marketing. I never know if what I'm doing is right and if I'm doing enough. I feel like I'm walking around blindly and hoping someone notices me.
What does Untethered Realms mean to you and why should folks follow UR?
UR is a fantastic group of writers. Not just to help one another market their work, but we're sharing ideas, helping brainstorm, and commiserating with other writers. Other people should follow UR for amazing stories and great personalities. We're friendly and always willing to lend a helping hand to writers just starting out wanting to know how to go about doing things.
What do you enjoy doing when you're not writing?
I'm a stay-at-home mom, and I spend the majority of my time with my son. We go on all sorts of adventures. We like to hike and hopefully this summer, we'll get to go camping. I love to travel too, but that will have to wait until I have the time and money for it.
What's the most fun you've had writing a scene or character and why?
I've had so much fun with all my characters. It's difficult to pick one. One character that has been with me for several years is Magena Silver, a beautiful witch and manipulator extraordinaire. I've written a trilogy for her, but I just can't seem to get it right. She challenges me as a writer, but that only keeps me coming back for more.
If you could live as one of your characters, whom would you choose and why?
I put my characters through the wringer. Why would I want to live as any of them?! Yet if I could avoid death looming over me, I'd like to be Stefanie from THE ALPHA. She's an alpha werewolf at peace with who she is. A strong, sensual, and confident woman. Plus she can turn into a wolf and revel in her primal side.
Tell us a secret, something few people know about you!
I have an extra large head. Not even large men's hats fit it. I like to think it's because I have a very large brain.
What's your next book about? Go on, tease us!
I'm not sure which project I'll be working on next. I want to revise one of my manuscripts and query it. It might be the one about a witch whose an expert with love potions but resists falling in love herself, or it could be the new one I have brewing in my mind. It's an urban fantasy about the underdogs in the supernatural world.
Other Untethered Realms authors: Angela Brown | Julie Flanders