Editing – Graeme Ing, Author

Tag Archives for " Editing "

Editing makes me neurotic

I'm sure most people think authors are a calm and level-headed breed. Our bio and PR pictures depict us as well groomed and smiling, and we try to be witty and intellectual at dinner parties. Ours is one

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First and final draft

Somebody recently asked me how much the final draft differs from the first. Great question! Here is a snippet of the first and final drafts:   First Draft She sat up, her head held high. Alice wasn't

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The final read through

So you’ve written your book and revised/edited it, probably more times that you can count. Then you sent it to a professional editor (if not, you should), and incorporated their changes. Finally, you’ve

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Writing: Am I done yet?

How do you know when you’re finished with your book? When will your m/s come out of the oven at the perfect temperature, wonderfully seasoned, beautifully plated and ready for consumption by an agent? Never.

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