Writing – Graeme Ing, Author

Tag Archives for " Writing "

Do you have limited writing time but big goals?

Do you have limited writing time but big goals? A guest post today, by my fantasy author friend, Autumn Birt. Are you a writer? If so, are you meeting your writing goals? Writing is a passion,

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So you want to be an author…but…

Everyone has a novel in them. Or so the saying goes. Friends and colleagues often approach me, often sheepishly, about their desire to write a book, or problems they are having in getting started. Well

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Avoid writing in a vacuum

Don't make it hard on yourself. Without feedback, one of two things will likely happen: You'll think your first draft is so wonderful and perfect that you'll send it out, not realizing you have terrible

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Chapter length and name

How long is a chapter, and should I give them names? I've had this question several times now, and I'm sure established authors have a million times, but I always enjoy answering questions from first time

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Are your scenes Active or Passive?

Does your protagonist drive your plot, or is he just along for the ride? It’s usually easy to spot: the plot or other characters advance the story and the protagonist simply reacts to events. This is

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