reviews – Graeme Ing, Author

Tag Archives for " reviews "

For Readers: A selection of posts from past years

To herald the reveal of my new website (do you like it?) I thought I'd bring back my favourite posts for readers from the past few years. Grab a beverage of your choice and browse. The last one

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Readers: What authors really want from you

Readers, what do authors want from you? Ha, that's an open-ended question isn't it? I bet you answered “to buy all your books.” Yes, that's true. Most of us desire to make a living from our

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Do you review books?

Let's talk about book reviews. Do you review books? Many people don't. Some folks have grown up in a culture where professional critics review books or movies, usually in newspapers and magazines. It's

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Should authors review books?

This post concerns the amateur reviewing of books, e.g. on Amazon or Goodreads, as opposed to professional reviewing for magazines, publishing trade papers or for publishers themselves. I’ve been an

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