Writing Craft – Graeme Ing, Author

Category Archives for Writing Craft

You want to be an author? 7 basic tips

A lot of people ask me, "I've always wanted to write a book, but where do I start?" It's a great question. There are more writing tips out there than fish in the sea, but here's

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Do you have limited writing time but big goals?

Do you have limited writing time but big goals? A guest post today, by my fantasy author friend, Autumn Birt. Are you a writer? If so, are you meeting your writing goals? Writing is a passion,

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Training my Dragon

Hello readers. This post is going to be a little different, and I ask you in advance to please ignore all typos and mistakes. You'll get to see why in a moment. a couple of years ago, I experimented

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What I learned by going round in circles

Ever feel like you are going in circles? Sure you do. Everyone does, right? I'm the type of writer known as an outliner, which means I like to plan my whole story in advance and make detailed

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Guest Posts

Hello everyone. My 2nd Necromancer tour is over and during it I did a few guest posts. Here they are, in case any take your fancy. And, by the way, thank you all for your support of Necromancer –

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So you want to be an author…but…

Everyone has a novel in them. Or so the saying goes. Friends and colleagues often approach me, often sheepishly, about their desire to write a book, or problems they are having in getting started. Well

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Editors – how to deal with deadlines

First world problems for authors: Editor deadlines. How much of a stressor is this for the modern author? Though authors have worked with publishing and editorial deadlines ever since some ancient druid

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Does a book need a villain?

Does a plot have to have an antagonist – a villain? Do you enjoy books or movies without a villain? One of the classic plot lines for a story is a protagonist – the hero – defeating

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Editing makes me neurotic

I'm sure most people think authors are a calm and level-headed breed. Our bio and PR pictures depict us as well groomed and smiling, and we try to be witty and intellectual at dinner parties. Ours is one

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Stop using exclamation points!!!!

Ah, the exclamation point, or exclamation mark as some call it… I believe it is seriously overused, and I like to think that most editors would agree with me. Don't you hate reading a book where

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