Technology – Graeme Ing, Author

Category Archives for Technology

Training my Dragon

Hello readers. This post is going to be a little different, and I ask you in advance to please ignore all typos and mistakes. You'll get to see why in a moment. a couple of years ago, I experimented

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Becky Doughty – audiobook narrator (and author)

Hello. You've probably been living under a rock if you haven't heard me talk at length about the new audiobook version of Ocean of Dust. I can't help it, it's such fun to listen to. My narrator was the

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Welcome to the bookstore of 2015

Yesterday I wrote a post on the Untethered Realms website (of which I am a member) about the bookstore of the future. I purposely kept it only a couple of years into the future, and firmly believe that

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Dictating your Novel

I've been experimenting with Dragon Dictate software. This is usually recognized to be the best commercially available speech recognition system and you can buy it for Windows or Mac for under $100. I

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Backup before you lose everything!

Last week my aging computer went belly up with the completed manuscript of my first book, and my partially written second. Apart from not being able to write (or anything else) for a few days, I managed

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The physicality of the Kindle

How do the Kindle and other e-readers fit into our lives and culture? Much has been written about how e-readers are changing the face of publishing, inviting anyone in the world to become a writer and

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