Interviews – Page 2 – Graeme Ing, Author

Category Archives for Interviews

Interview with me by Heather Day Gilbert

Recently, I was thrilled to answer some questions posed by a great writer friend of mine, Heather Day Gilbert. Among other projects, she is trying to find a publisher for her fantastic-sounding Viking

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Interview with me about Indie Publishing

Hello all, and I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas (or other holiday). A little while ago, Candace, at the fabulous Candace's Book Blog, invited me for an interview. I had a lot of fun answering her

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Interview with S. M. Boyce

Yesterday, I reviewed Treason, book #2 of the Grimoire Trilogy, and earlier in 2012, I reviewed book #1, Lichgates. Today, I wanted to share some questions that I recently asked Boyce.   1. So the

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Todd McCaffrey interview about writing

OK, so this is a few years old, but a) I'm a huge fan of Anne and Todd McCaffrey, and b) I like to see kids talking about writing with authors. I support anything that inspires youngsters to write for

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