Commentary – Graeme Ing, Author

Category Archives for Commentary

Why I am optimistic about the future

Many folks are depressed. Many people I know are withdrawing from social media, unable to process the discourse. Unfriending is going on en-masse, even between people who have been friends for years.

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Blogs ‘n’ YouTube

Hey folks, I thought I'd share some interesting travel-related blogs and YouTube channels that I follow: Blogs Ester has decided to live on a houseboat on Lake

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Readers: What authors really want from you

Readers, what do authors want from you? Ha, that's an open-ended question isn't it? I bet you answered “to buy all your books.” Yes, that's true. Most of us desire to make a living from our

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Orbis: My charity of choice

Charities are a very personal thing. Each of us chooses to donate for a variety of reasons. Often we assist an organization that affects us or our families, typically someone close that suffers from an

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What annoys me as a reader

As a writer, I'm fairly forgiving of books that I read; fully appreciative of the long hours, sweat, anguish, mood swings and sheer number of hours required to write a book. I hope that few readers take

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Just Do it

I trust everyone had a super Holiday time, and we still have New Years to come? I've been sick since Christmas Eve and have achieved very little except wallow in self-pity. Tamara says that men make the

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Do you review books?

Let's talk about book reviews. Do you review books? Many people don't. Some folks have grown up in a culture where professional critics review books or movies, usually in newspapers and magazines. It's

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Don't drive like an ass!

If you didn't know, I'm a dilettante student of urban planning and transportation efficiency. Forgive me, but sometimes I like to rant about gross inefficiencies I see in the urban transport sphere. This

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Are self-publishing and ebooks destroying our bookstore heritage?

There has been considerable press for years about what effect self-publishing and ebooks are having on our literary culture, be it bookstores and libraries or even literary masterpieces themselves. I'm

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The St. Patrick's Day Green-Eyed Monster

Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! We just got back from a visit to our local winery, Orfila. OK, not the typical beer-swilling venue you'd expect for today, but after wine tasting we had a great picnic

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